LACUS Publications
Recently Published
Most recently published is LACUS Forum 46. Find it at the Internet Archive.
Go to The Internet Archive and search "LACUS Forum" to see all the volumes available on-line.
Publication Format
Early volumes of the LACUS Forum (corresponding to conferences from 1974-1995) were originally published only in conventional hard-copy form. Along the way, the volume changed from a conference proceedings format to a refereed annual periodical and consequently shifted from having an ISBN to an ISSN.
On-line Volumes
Our publications site was formerly available at, where electronically-published volumes of LACUS Forum could be found. That site is no longer active.
In the meantime, and as part of a long-term alternative, we have begun making all volumes available on-line at The Internet Archive ( Go to and search "LACUS Forum" to find them (use Sort by > Title to more easily find a specific volume) or use this link: Look there first
When the project is complete, the on-line collection will include all past volumes in searchable PDF form, even those not originally available in electronic format. (We are still in the process of volumes 1-22 scanned.) All on-line volumes posted by LACUS are available under under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Sharealike 3.0 license, and carry a notice to that effect. The license may be read at
Anyone interested in commercial re-use of any part(s) of the the LACUS Forum should contact the LACUS Secretary-Treasurer.
Hard-copies of Older Volumes
Hard copies are still available to those who would like to have them The cost per volume is $65 for non-members and $30 for members. Early LACUS volumes are available at reduced prices (see below). It was anticipated that the shift from paper to electronic presentation will make LACUS contributions more easily accessible. Electronic resources provide greater ease of use, accessibility from anywhere (as opposed to the shelf where the prior hard copies are stored), the ability to search the Forums quickly and from one place, and the ability to quote and cite through copy/paste rather than laborious retyping. Electronic publication will also open up the research found in the Forums to a much larger academic audience. Also, it is are a more environmentally conscious solution.
Starting with LACUS Forum 35, members wishing to receive a hard-copy of the LACUS Forum have needed to order a copy. The cost is $30, a savings of over 50% of the sale price provided to subscribers and libraries. The electronic version of each Forum is available free of charge on the LACUS website.
Orders for hard-copy volumes should be sent to Rennie Gonsalves <[email protected]>.
Copies of most previous volumes are available. Go to Amazon Kindle Direst Publishing to find which ones are available there. Click HERE to order hardcopies of LACUS volumes at Kindle Direct.
For any volumes you cannot find there, please contact Rennie Gonsalves, Secretary-Treasurer, LACUS <[email protected]>. Copies of other published volumes may still be available.
Most recently published is LACUS Forum 46. Find it at the Internet Archive.
Go to The Internet Archive and search "LACUS Forum" to see all the volumes available on-line.
Publication Format
Early volumes of the LACUS Forum (corresponding to conferences from 1974-1995) were originally published only in conventional hard-copy form. Along the way, the volume changed from a conference proceedings format to a refereed annual periodical and consequently shifted from having an ISBN to an ISSN.
On-line Volumes
Our publications site was formerly available at, where electronically-published volumes of LACUS Forum could be found. That site is no longer active.
In the meantime, and as part of a long-term alternative, we have begun making all volumes available on-line at The Internet Archive ( Go to and search "LACUS Forum" to find them (use Sort by > Title to more easily find a specific volume) or use this link: Look there first
When the project is complete, the on-line collection will include all past volumes in searchable PDF form, even those not originally available in electronic format. (We are still in the process of volumes 1-22 scanned.) All on-line volumes posted by LACUS are available under under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Sharealike 3.0 license, and carry a notice to that effect. The license may be read at
Anyone interested in commercial re-use of any part(s) of the the LACUS Forum should contact the LACUS Secretary-Treasurer.
Hard-copies of Older Volumes
Hard copies are still available to those who would like to have them The cost per volume is $65 for non-members and $30 for members. Early LACUS volumes are available at reduced prices (see below). It was anticipated that the shift from paper to electronic presentation will make LACUS contributions more easily accessible. Electronic resources provide greater ease of use, accessibility from anywhere (as opposed to the shelf where the prior hard copies are stored), the ability to search the Forums quickly and from one place, and the ability to quote and cite through copy/paste rather than laborious retyping. Electronic publication will also open up the research found in the Forums to a much larger academic audience. Also, it is are a more environmentally conscious solution.
Starting with LACUS Forum 35, members wishing to receive a hard-copy of the LACUS Forum have needed to order a copy. The cost is $30, a savings of over 50% of the sale price provided to subscribers and libraries. The electronic version of each Forum is available free of charge on the LACUS website.
Orders for hard-copy volumes should be sent to Rennie Gonsalves <[email protected]>.
Copies of most previous volumes are available. Go to Amazon Kindle Direst Publishing to find which ones are available there. Click HERE to order hardcopies of LACUS volumes at Kindle Direct.
For any volumes you cannot find there, please contact Rennie Gonsalves, Secretary-Treasurer, LACUS <[email protected]>. Copies of other published volumes may still be available.